Materials Adoption Update

Stack of books

We're excited to provide you with a brief overview of the Materials Adoption process for our district! This is an essential step in ensuring that our students have access to the best educational resources. Here's a brief overview of what our process entails, which began this fall:

  • Selection Committee: We have a dedicated team of educators and administrators who carefully evaluate textbooks and instructional materials to ensure they align with our curriculum standards and meet the needs of our students.
  • Transparency: We believe in transparency throughout the adoption process. Families are encouraged to provide feedback and input during the review period. Your perspective is valuable to us.
  • Quality Assurance: We aim to select high-quality textbooks that support diverse learning styles, foster critical thinking, and promote academic excellence. Each textbook undergoes rigorous evaluation to ensure it meets our standards for accuracy, relevance, and instructional effectiveness.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
  • Continued Evaluation: The adoption process is ongoing, and we continuously monitor the effectiveness of the textbooks chosen. Feedback from students, families, and educators informs future decisions, ensuring that our curriculum remains dynamic and responsive to the evolving needs of our learners.

We understand that selecting educational materials is a collaborative effort, and we're grateful for your participation in this process. Together, we can give our students the tools they need to succeed academically and beyond.

All materials being reviewed will be available for families to review during family conferences in April.  In addition, families can provide feedback by taking this brief survey.  

Click on the flyers below to see a complete list of all the materials we have piloted this year, along with ways to access and review the materials online.