Attendance Reminders


Attendance Reminders

ParentSquare Notifications: The high school converted to using ParentSquare for attendance notifications on February 8th, 2022. Unfortunately, the class period numbers do not line up with PowerSchool.
The message will say the following:

6th period which is Advisory

7th period which is 3rd period

8th period which is 4th period

9th period which is 5th period

We will work with PowerSchool to make adjustments prior to the 2022-23 school year. Thank you for your patience.

Attendance Policy: North Marion High School recognizes ONLY the following reasons as valid reasons for EXCUSED absences; 

1: Illness of the student
2: Illness of an immediate family member when the student’s presence at home is necessary. 
3: Emergency situations that require the student’s absence.
4: Medical appointments. Verification of appointment may be required.
5: Field trips and school-approved activities. 
6: Other reasons deemed appropriate by the Administration in charge of attendance when satisfactory arrangements have been made in advance of the absence.

Please Note: The following are NOT excusable absences in accordance with Oregon State Attendance Laws:

1. Truancy
2. shopping / haircuts
3. DMV Appointment will be excused for the 2021-22 school year.
4. Missing the bus or car malfunctions
5. Birthday or other celebrations
6. Family vacations not excused in advance
7. Oversleeping 
8. Gainful employment
9. Hunting or fishing

Pre arranged absence: Pre arranged absences are those arranged at least one (1) school day prior to the students actual absence. Use this form when an absence would normally be unexcused ie: vacation, hunting, fishing etc. Forms are available in the main office or on the high school website. 

Attendance Procedures:  Parents must notify the school by a phone call (503)678.7123 opt 1, hand written note, email, or ParentSquare with the reason for the students absence within 48 hours of the absence. Blanket excuses are not allowed. Information for the excuse must include the full name of the student, the calendar date(s) of the absence, a brief reason for the absence and the complete signature of a parent or guardian. The note should be dropped off at the main office by the student upon return to school. All students leaving campus MUST CHECK IN/ OUT OF THE
OFFICE. Absences may be unexcused if the student does not check in/out of the office. 

Attendance/ Participation in School- Sponsored Activities: Students who participate in school- sponsored activities, i.e., sports, musical events, clubs, etc., must attend a full day of school the day of the event in order to be eligible to participate. Exceptions are made for pre-arranged or school-related absences. 

Tardy Policy: Students are expected to be in class on time with appropriate materials when the bell rings. A tardy constitutes being late to class within the first 10 minutes. After 10 minutes the student is considered absent. An excused tardy is one authorized by a staff member. The teacher will issue a student a hall pass excusing the tardy. Students who are tardy to any class period, will require an admit slip from the Front Office before reporting to class. After the third tardy: per class, the teacher will write a referral to be reviewed by administration. Consequences may result in disciplinary actions.