Securly: Online Student Safety Tool
We are pleased to announce that we are able to offer SecurlyHome to North Marion families.
Securly helps keep children safe online at school. Now parents can get the same peace of mind with school devices at home (not available for personal devices at this time). You can see your child’s online activity in real-time and catch up with weekly email snapshots.
- View online activity - View their recent searches, sites visited, and videos watched on their school-owned device.
- Balance time online
- Help your child stay focused, turn their internet access on or off with a single tap.
- Review weekly email reports
Sign up here: SecurlyHome form in English or SecurlyHome form in Spanish. Please allow 1-2 days to process then look for an email from Securly.
Next, visit Digital Parenting, Simplified to download an app for iOS or Android or choose the "Instant Access" link.
Note: The parent email address that you provide must match the email address on file with the school. If you don't know what email address is on file with the school, check your PowerSchool Parent Portal or contact the school office.
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