Assessments and Standards

State Assessment Information for Spring 2021

Thank you for supporting your child’s education during the pandemic for the past year. Annual state assessments take place at this time each school year. Under the current conditions due to school closure, the State of Oregon requested that state assessments be waived this year. Though the US Department of Education would not approve the suspension of state assessments, they did approve an amended version of them. This document provides important information for this year’s amended assessments, including a list of the assessment dates for each school, along with some helpful hints for supporting your student at home during the assessments. This information has also been mailed to each North Marion family.

ODE developed a series of video modules that answer the following questions, available in both Spanish and English:

  • How does ODE make sure that our statewide summative assessments are fair and accessible? 
  • What assessments does my child take and what are the purposes for each? 
  • How did my child do on the state assessments? 
  • How can I support learning at home?
  • Where do I go if I have questions about the assessment?

Please contact your child's building Principal with questions or concerns about testing.

What State Assessments will my child take in 2021-22?

More information coming soon!

Parental Rights

You have the right to opt your child out of state summative tests in English Language Arts and Math. (Please see below for rules associated with other state assessments.)

To opt-out of the tests, you must complete the 2020-2021 Opt-Out form and submit it to your child’s school. The opt-out form is available at the link below.

Any student exempted from a state test will be provided with supervised study time while other students are testing.

Test results offer feedback about your child’s progress. The results of these tests act as a snapshot of your child’s progress and may be used along with other pieces of information to determine their strengths and areas for improvement.

Not having information on our students’ academic progress limits our ability to accurately identify where students are struggling, where they are excelling, and whether we are fulfilling our goal of narrowing achievement gaps.

By signing the opt-out form, you may lose valuable information about how well your child is progressing in English language arts and math. Opting-out may impact efforts by your school and district to equitably distribute resources and support student learning. View the opt-out form in the Supporting Documents section below.
Opt-Out Parental Notification and Form

 Smarter Balanced Standardized Tests


Annual Notification

Please click on the Annual Notification from ODE regarding participation in the Supporting Documents section below.

Learn More About Testing

How and when will I find out what my child learned this year?

You will get progress reports from your school, like grades and report cards.