North Marion Middle School
Is a welcoming, respectful, and safe community;
Where we hold ourselves accountable to global standards;
Where teaching and learning is challenging, dynamic, and engaging;
And where students are empowered to lead productive lives as stewards of their world.
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to North Marion Middle School. In our district and school, we strive to serve our community by living the words in our district mission statement as listed above. That being said, we hope that you find our school an amazing place where each student and family feels connected, welcomed, empowered, engaged, and safe.
Please know that each employee in our school community is working hard to make sure we can offer you the best environment, education, and future possible! This is true on so many levels from our custodians, kitchen personnel, office staff, teachers, administrators, and all other staff. We are all here for one purpose. Educating your children!
With warmest regards,
NMMS Administration
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