Announcement: Share Your Views of English Language Arts Materials

A book in the center with letters rising up from it and two stacks of books on either side

February 25, 2022

Next week, the North Marion School District will be seeking input on the English Language Arts Instructional Materials that we are thinking of using next school year. 

Why are you sharing this information?

It’s a requirement to let our community know about this with a notice under School Board Policy II/IIA-AR. Making materials available for parent review and input is also an important part of the process when we choose new materials. 

What’s next? 

Each school has selected learning materials from two different companies to preview in classrooms this spring. In June, a K–12 committee will make a recommendation for the School Board to approve. 

Who comes up with these materials? 

Using strict evaluation requirements, the Oregon Department of Education has approved all of the materials being considered for use in Oregon classrooms. 

Great, so how do I share my opinion?

Stay tuned! Next week, we plan to provide a full list of the materials and will ask you for your input. 

How do I find out more?