Teaching and Learning

Welcome to North Marion Teaching and Learning 

Director - Desiree Kiesel

Phone - 503-678-7126

Email - Desiree.kiesel@nmarion.k12.or.us

Next to safety, teaching and learning is a top priority for the North Marion School District.  We value the diversity of our student population and honor the funds of knowledge each student brings as an asset to the learning environment.  We are committed to research-based Best Practices for all elements of the teaching and learning cycle, meeting students where they are in their learning, and basing instruction on student needs, interests, and abilities. 

North Marion’s instructional approach to learning is grounded in care and connection, equity, social-emotional learning, and academic growth. This approach builds on student strengths, assets, and lived experiences. Below, you will find links to the many components of this process, providing more detailed information for each topic. 


Assessments provide educators with the information they need to make essential instructional decisions. In the same way that a scientist may collect and analyze water samples to determine the quality of our streams and lakes, teachers and administrators use state tests, performance assessments, and other forms of assessments to measure how well students are learning and determine how best to support them moving forward.

For more information on our Assessment Systems, click here


Talented and Gifted (TAG) Services

The North Marion School District recognizes the importance of differentiated learning experiences for gifted learners and acknowledges the value of integration within the regular education program. The foundation of TAG Education is provided in classroom-based instruction characterized by differentiated instruction, flexible skill-based groupings, complex integrated problem-solving challenges, and individually designed inquiry-based projects designed to fit the academic rate and level of each student.

For more information on our Talented and Gifted Program, click here.


Educator Effectiveness

To ensure North Marion students have the quality teachers they deserve, and to ensure that educators are objectively evaluated and supported in their important work, we have created a teacher evaluation system that:

  • Strengthens retention, 
  • Supports educator growth, 
  • Fosters improvements in student learning, and
  • Factors in the conditions in which teaching professionals work. 

Our teacher evaluation system is a comprehensive, integrated teacher evaluation and development system — driven by practitioner knowledge and experience. 

To learn more about our Educator Effectiveness system, click here.


Instructional Frameworks

North Marion classrooms are guided by the district's Strategic Plan and supported by the district's instructional frameworks which align to research-based practices, programs, and strategies. Professional development is provided for district staff on the adopted instructional strategies and philosophies, to deepen their understanding and support them in implementing them in their classrooms.

For more information on our Instructional Frameworks, click here.


Instructional Materials

Instructional materials used in Oregon’s classrooms need to reflect the most current information and research and be aligned to academic content standards. To this end, these instructional materials are subject, by law, to a review process and must meet established specifications and criteria in order to be approved by the State Board of Education for use in classrooms.

For more information on our Instructional Materials, click here.
In addition, all instructional frameworks, and instructional materials are centered around the Oregon State Standards.


Instructional Materials Adoption Process

Keeping in line with School Board Policy II/IIA-AR, we will post information in the fall regarding and materials adoption that we are reviewing.  Typically, the review process begins in the fall, and will continue through the spring.  Throughout the process, we will provide the community with opportunities to review the materials and provide feedback. In addition, students will be given opportunities to view the materials, participate in sample lessons, and provide feedback.  For more information on previous adoptions, or on our current adoption, visit the links below.    


Social-Emotional Learning

Social-emotional learning, or SEL, has been a cornerstone of our district's work for several years. We are committed to building a community where students know they belong and see themselves as vital members of our learning team.

We build this community by focusing on care and connection and developing programs and systems that help students learn self-management and regulation.

To learn more about our programs, click here