Important Calendar Change

No classes on Oct. 14

Dear North Marion Families:

The North Marion Calendar Committee wanted to bring to your attention a change to our school calendar for the 2022-2023 school year.  As part of our negotiation process with teachers, there will be no classes on Friday, October 14, as we have changed it to a non-student day.  Schools will be closed. This change will provide our teachers with the flexibility to participate in training and in-service activities held across the state.    

We recognize that this change may impact your family, so we wanted to make you aware of the change as soon as possible.  In addition, due to this change, we will need to add an additional school day within our district calendar this school year.  This day will be added by our Calendar Committee and will be communicated to families as soon as it is finalized.  

Additional changes to the calendar will be part of the Calendar Committee’s planning for the 2023-2024 school year, which will take place this spring.


Desiree Kiesel

Director of Teaching and Learning

North Marion Calendar Committee member