District Office
20256 Grim Road NE
Aurora, Oregon 97002
Phone number: (503) 678‑7100
20256 Grim Road NE
Aurora, OR 97002
Phone: (503) 678-7100
Fax: (503) 386-4659
At North Marion we believe students learn best in positive and safe environment where they feel connected, heard, and known. School emergency preparedness is a process that involves staff, parents, students, emergency responders, and the community. We encourage you to learn more about safety in our schools so we can work together to provide a safe school environment for all.
All North Marion School District students and staff are instructed on emergency procedures so that everyone can respond to an emergency without confusion or panic. All students and staff drill the standard response protocols several times each year. We conduct several drills during the school year, including:
The Standard Response Protocols we have adopted as a school district are from the I Love U Guys Foundation. If you want more details on what lockout, lockdown, evacuation, and shelter terminology will mean for your child, view the safety protocols poster in the Supporting Documents section below.
The SafeOregon tip-line gives kids, parents, schools, and their communities a way to report student safety threats, potential safety issues, and access safety resources, such as violence prevention. Remember, if you see or hear something, say something.
Tips can be submitted in a variety of ways.
Student Online Safety - North Marion School District uses LightSpeed as our Web Filtering solution and there is a parent tool that is free and allows you insight into your student's online activity. Want to learn more? Upload the LightSpped Parent Portal Flyer in support documents below.