Social Emotional Learning
Social-Emotional Learning, or SEL, has been a cornerstone of our district's work for several years. We are committed to building a community where students know they belong, and see themselves as vital members of our learning team.
We build this community by focusing on care and connection and developing programs and systems that help students learn self-management and regulation. We utilize several programs and frameworks to guide the work in our buildings. These programs include:
- ODE Care and Connection Tool Kit: After returning from Comprehensive Distance Learning in Fall Term 2021, ODE provided districts with tools and resources focused on building care, connection, and community into our daily practices.
- RULER: The RULER program teaches emotional intelligence, helping students recognize, understand, label, express, and regulate their emotions appropriately. In addition, RULER uses tools like establishing a classroom charter to build a classroom community.
- Sources of Strength: Sources of Strength is "designed to harness the power of peer social networks to change unhealthy norms and culture, ultimately preventing suicide, bullying, and substance abuse." The program promotes help-seeking behaviors and connections between peers and caring adults.
- PBIS: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, tiered framework for supporting students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. It is a way to create positive, predictable, equitable, and safe learning environments where everyone thrives.
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