Tech Self-Help

Website Support

If you need help with the website, please reach out to our Municode Support Team at 503-675-5121 or, or visit the Dashboard on the website and click on Training Resources. Dashboard is at the bottom left of every page, but you must sign in to have access to it.

ParentSquare Support

There are three ways to access help via the ParentSquare team:

Staff may also wish to review prerecorded classes and training sessions and live webinars

Google Meets: Best Practices for Teachers

The purpose of this document is to share the best practices for using Google Meet with students. By following best practices we can ensure a safe learning environment for our students.

Note: If you use a calendar event, join code, or link, students will be able to join the meeting whenever they choose. Use one of the methods below.

Method One: Recording a Video of Yourself using Google Meets to Attach to Google Classroom

  • Take care with recorded Class Meets.
  • Students should be cautioned not to speak about confidential information such as their grades, IEP modifications, etc.
  • The students should turn off the video in a Meet if their parents have requested that images of the student not be published.

Method Two: Using Google Meet integrated with Google Classroom (a short video and detailed/printable instructions)

  • For each Google Classroom you have, generate a unique Google Meet link for the students in that Classroom. 
  • The link for the Meet can be displayed on the Stream page and the Classwork page of the Classroom so that you and your students can access it easily. 
  • The students cannot join the Meet without you, so they cannot access the Meet before you are there or rejoin the Meet after it is over and you have left. However, there is an about 30-second window after a Meet has ended in which students can rejoin. Please circle back after a minute or so to make sure that no one has sneaked into the meeting.
  • Make sure that all students have left before you leave the meeting. If needed, you can remove them from the meeting (see video linked above for more info on this).
  • Please reset your Meet Code after each use. And turn off visibility in Classroom settings (see video linked above for more info on this).

Method Three: Use nicknames when creating a Google Meet (a short video)

  • Do not use a calendar event, join code, or join link. If you do, students can join the meet anytime they wish to.
  • Go to or meet in the Google App in your Google account.
  • Click Join or Start to begin a meeting. Use a nickname. A nickname can be reusable.
  • Once you create the Meet, even before you join, the meet will be live, so do not create a Meet until you’re ready.
  • Wait for students to leave the Meet, or remove them. Once you leave the Meet, students will be able to rejoin the meet for about 30 seconds. Please circle back after a minute or so to make sure that no one has sneaked in.
  • Repeat every time you want to Meet. Use the same nickname and just create the Meet again. Once you create the Meet again, anyone with the nickname will be able to join.

PowerSchool Support: Willamette ESD

  • Place a Help Ticket in two ways:
    • Email your question and a ticket will be created automatically
    • Call 503-385-4713 or 1-866-987-7368.
  • Priority Set for Tickets
    • Emergency Ticket: Client is experiencing work stoppage and needs resolution immediately. The technology team commits to an immediate response to this ticket. It is best if you call (rather than email) to receive help one on one.
    • High Ticket: Client will receive a response within two hours.
    • Medium Ticket: Client will receive a response in 24 hours.
    • Low Ticket: The response is a project that will likely take longer than 24 hours to complete.  Technology staff must provide updates to the clients.

GoToConnect Mobile

Make and receive calls from your work number with your personal mobile phone:

  1. Register for a Jive ID here: Register using your school email address.
  2. Download the GoToConnect for your phone’s operating system: Download for iOS or Download for Android.
  3. Launch the app and click Sign in. Log in with your Jive ID.

When a call is made through GoToConnect, it rings through to the recipient as if it is coming from your classroom number and not your personal number.  

This allows the user to make contact with students and families from a remote location and without using their personal number. It also allows others to call the classroom number and the app user to answer the call with their mobile device without using their personal phone number.

I Still Need Support

Reach out to our amazing tech team by filling out a tech ticket!