School Board Work Session Meeting

Monday, August 2, 2021 - 6:00pm

All meetings of the North Marion School District have been held virtually or in-person (board only) according to Governor Kate Brown's Executive Orders 20-16, the Oregon Health Authority Guidance and restrictions, Center for Disease Control, and OSBA best practice.  The NMSD has met all public meeting notices, the opportunity to submit public comments, access to virtual live meetings, as outlined in said Executive Orders.  *(in-person board meetings allowed as defined in new order 20-38). 

To limit potential exposure to COVID-19, parties interested in attending NMSD Board Meetings can do so virtually.  UPDATE:  If you are a member of the community and wish to provide public comment, please email your comments by Monday, August 2nd, 2:00 PM via email to  and your comments will be part of the public record. If you wish to attend in-person, masks are required!  Public comments will be limited to 2 minutes per person.  See attachment in agenda for public comment submission guidelines and protocols.  

Join via Zoom Meeting on August 2:
Meeting ID: 842 4117 7568
Passcode: 771659
By Phone: 1-346-248-7799

Board Work Session Meetings. This session provides opportunities to discuss specific topics in greater depth, and a learning opportunity for board members to work on school board goals, district policies, re-opening schools plans, training and programs occurring in the district.  Public participation on agenda items or non-agenda items occurs at the discretion of the chairman.