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Kiley Mehlbrech/Photo by Nichole Thompson Kiley Mehlbrech: ‘She’s Just Amazing’

The next time you stop by North Marion Intermediate School, be sure to say hello to one of the newest employees, Student Services Specialist (SSS) Kiley MehlbrechMehlbrech holds one of two new SSS positions in the School District, offering instruction, guidance, and social skill development to students who are struggling.

Press Release Tue, 11/01/2022
From left to right, are: Emma Arano Fernandez, Donna Torres, Alina Correa, Noelia Muñoz Romero, and Brooklyn Isaksen. Witches, Wolves, and Charlie Brown Roamed the Intermediate School on Monday

Happy Halloween! In honor of this October tradition, here’s what a few North Marion Intermediate School students third-graders (and their principal) wore for the dress-up holiday on Oct. 31 and how they selected their costume of choice.

Press Release Tue, 11/01/2022
Volunteer Glenda Creekmore paints Axel Camacho Flores’s arm as Kelvin Gerdes walks past and Denali Bosco tends to the goats. Harvest Festival Offers Young Students Hands-on Learning and Happiness

At the Harvest Festival that the North Marion High School FFA put on last week, students like first-grader Axel Camacho Flores participated in activities including planting a seed. 

Press Release Mon, 10/31/2022
The North Marion Girls Soccer team is water proof! Go, Huskies! Photo by Mike D'Adamo North Marion Is Soccer Central!

The North Marion Girls Soccer team is the Oregon West Conference champion and will now be competing in the Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA) 4A State Championships. The Boys Soccer team finished in third place in the Oregon West Conference and the team will also be competing in the OSAA 4A State Championships. Hooray for the Huskies!

Press Release Mon, 10/31/2022
Sophomore Henry Kirsch practices welding under the watchful eye and guidance of Teacher Damian Trammel. Photo by Damien Trammel North Marion High School Develops New Metal Fabrication Classes for Students

GK Machine, a Donald area company that designs and manufactures equipment, recently met and gave a shop tour to the new metal fabrication instructor at North Marion High School, Damien Trammel. GK Machine donated materials for students to practice their newly learned welding skills now that metal fabrication classes have returned to North Marion High School.

Press Release Wed, 10/26/2022
Young Life Woodburn Staff Area Director Emilio Diaz and his wife, Jessica, brought their infant, Jirew, to the Greeters event. Chamber of Commerce Calls NMHS Rebuild and Investment Based on Community Feedback ‘Spectacular’

Members of the Woodburn Area Chamber of Commerce held the group’s Friday Greeters event last week at North Marion High School, and the visitors praised the school's new look. 

Press Release Wed, 10/26/2022
Rainbow kerchief/Photo by Jillian Daley Interested in Joining the GSA?

Students are welcome to join the Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) at North Marion High School if they wish!

Press Release Tue, 10/25/2022
Sources of Strength wheel: phys./ment. health, fam. support, pos. friends, mentors, healthy activities, generosity, spirituality Sources of Strength Will Return During Winter Term

Sources of Strength needs student leaders once again! Helping others who are struggling by providing hopeful messaging is the main goal of the students who run North Marion’s Sources of Strength leadership group, which will restart this January. Student leaders are recruited through staff and student nominations. Recruitment will take place in November and December.

Press Release Tue, 10/25/2022
Brad Horton An Advocate for Students

Brad Horton seems almost impossibly calm, as if his heart beats only once per minute. But Horton wasn’t always this cool-headed. As a young man, he was angry, releasing his aggression on the Parkrose High School football field as a defensive back and running back.

Press Release Mon, 10/24/2022
Primary School Instructional Assistant Alesiya Royal, who brings joy to her school with stunning fall art displays, says that, a School Conferences Foster Student Growth and Community Connection

With information on grades and attendance available digitally and with lots of quick, easy ways to communicate online, it might seem like parent-teacher conferences would have gone the way of the telegraph.  

Press Release Mon, 10/24/2022
Senior Spotlight Example showing a main senior picture, three baby pictures, and text (a funny comment and/or family quote) Senior Photos Already? 

How Quickly They Grow Up!

The Yearbook team is working on  producing the Senior Portrait section of the 2023 Yearbook. 

Press Release Mon, 10/24/2022
ODE logo New COVID-19 Boosters Have Been Approved for People 5 and Older in Oregon

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has announced children ages 5-11 in Oregon are now eligible for the new updated bivalent COVID-19 vaccine boosters. Updated bivalent boosters are recommended for anyone ages 5 and older who has completed a primary COVID-19 vaccine series or prior monovalent booster dose.

Read more on the OHA website.

Press Release Thu, 10/20/2022
Amanda Kahle’s Eighth-Grade AVID Elective Class went through the obstacle course at Salem Ropes last week to build collaboration AVID Balances Collaboration with Learning

North Marion seventh-grader Ember Goms, who some classmates call Barbie for her naturally golden hair, is terrified of heights. 

Press Release Wed, 10/19/2022
Homecoming Court Congratulations to the Homecoming Court!

We are proud of this year’s North Marion High School Homecoming Court, which was announced Oct. 13 and includes King David Gabriel Herrera; Senior Princesses Adrie Lader, Clara Miller, Esmeralda Pacheco Contreras, and Emily Reneau; Junior Princesses Kira Bonser and Mattia Kimber; Sophomore Princesses Isabel Doubrava and Vanessa Valenzuela; and Freshman Princesses Dorismar Rios Valencia and Addyson Smith.

Press Release Tue, 10/18/2022
A valedictorian speaks at the podium during commencement in 2022 Get a $20 Gift Card This Month While Prepping for Your Post-High School Life!

Forms can be detailed and dull. But the school, with support from College Goal Oregon, is offering help and a gift card if you fill out some important forms to get assistance paying for college!

Press Release Thu, 10/13/2022
The Harvest Festival Class of 2025 fundraiser will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 22 at Open Door Community Church Support the Class of 2025

Enjoy some treats and games! The North Marion Class of 2025 is holding a Harvest Festival fundraiser from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22 at the Open Door Community Church, 20687 Highway 99E in Aurora. Tickets ares $5 per child. A hot dog lunch is available for $5. There will also be a raffle for a paddleboard.

Press Release Wed, 10/12/2022
COVID-19, a cellular view of the virus Weekly Screening Reminder

Staff and students can participate in weekly COVID-19 screening!


Remember: Weekly diagnostic testing in school is currently available (with a new written consent signed by parents or students who are over 15 years old) for anyone who develops symptoms at school or has a known exposure at school. Please sign up using the link below:

Press Release Wed, 10/12/2022
Shelbi Mattison and her scarves First Student Recruiter Supports North Marion with Scarf Fundraiser

First Student is supporting the North Marion School District with three events: the free Decorate a Pumpkin Event, the Fall Craft Bazaar, and Shelbi Mattison’s scarf fundraiser.

Press Release Tue, 10/11/2022
A massive wave of North Marion High School students turned out for the seventh annual ABC Craft Championships on Oct. 7 North Marion Shows Up in Full Force at the ABC Craft Championships

The Camp Withycombe building where the ABC Craft Championships was held on Oct. 7 didn’t really seem full until North Marion unloaded two packed buses of students.

Press Release Tue, 10/11/2022
Kira Bonser, left, and Leo Medina, take a moment for a North Marion photo shoot before their OSBA/Blue Chalk photo shoot. Local Students Shine in State-Level Campaign

Every year, the Oregon School Boards Association (OSBA) chooses to interview 100 children, 25 students each from four lucky school districts — and this year, North Marion got to be one of them.

Press Release Tue, 10/11/2022
Oregon Department of Education logo Annual Notice for Oregon’s Statewide Summative Assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics 

Oregon is committed to preparing every learner with academic knowledge and skills necessary for success beyond high  school.

Press Release Mon, 10/10/2022
Oregon Department of Education logo State Assessments

Oregon is committed to preparing every learner with academic knowledge and skills necessary for success beyond high  school.

Press Release Mon, 10/10/2022
North Marion School District logo Running for Their Schools

North Marion K–5 students relish the annual Fun Run school fundraiser, rushing around the track last week with happy shouts.

It’s not easy for everyone to propel themselves around a track for 20 minutes, even for kids. So what is it that makes the Fun Run … fun?

Press Release Fri, 10/07/2022
Counselor Renee Hanson/Photo by Amber Helvie The Difference Maker

“Caring” and “talented” aren’t words specifically listed on Renee Hanson’s resume, but her colleagues call the new North Marion Middle School Counselor a warmhearted professional who succeeds in uplifting students every day.

Press Release Fri, 10/07/2022
Scholastic Book Fair Coming Soon! Book Fair Coming Soon!

Get Ready! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming our way (YAY!). Choosing their own books empowers kids and inspires them to become Bolder, Prouder, and Stronger Readers. AND—as always—every book they buy earns rewards for our school.   

Press Release Fri, 10/07/2022
