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North Marion logo School Board Directs District to Create Optional Mask Plan

The North Marion School Board passed a resolution during an emergency meeting Friday to instruct School District administration and staff to develop a plan for an optional mask policy for students and staff starting no later than March 31, 2022. 

Press Release Fri, 02/18/2022
Two triceratops adults with a baby triceratops, which looks like a little dino family Happy Presidents' Day: Enjoy a Day with Your Family!

There will be no school on Monday, February 21 and staff will also be gone for the day because it is Presidents' Day!

This day originally marked President George Washington's birthday — but it's no longer celebrated on his actual birthday. Washington was born on February 22, 1732.

However, Congress passed a law in 1968 to create more uniform observances of public holidays, including moving Presidents' Day to the third Monday of February.

Press Release Fri, 02/18/2022
From left to right are: Teachers Chelsea Landry, Will Wenger, Kelly McGuffie, Mat Demski, John Young, Timothy Treen, and Kestrel Getting North Marion Students Excited About Reading

An Instructional Coach is a teacher who supports and guides her peers, and her colleagues say that title certainly fits Middle School IC Chelsea Landry.

Press Release Wed, 02/16/2022
School District Nurse Gina Byers beams with her husband, Bob, and their son, Alex. Photo courtesy of the Byers family Building a Nursing Team

Between administering COVID-19 tests and contact tracing after an exposure, North Marion School District Nurse Agnes Albert has had quite a bit of extra work. She needed help, so ... 

Press Release Tue, 02/15/2022
Illustration of people of color courtesy of Oregon Department of Education Celebrating Black History

In honor of Black History Month, we will be spotlighting the work of great Black and African-American thinkers. This week, we're sharing "Harlem," a poem by Langston Hughes.


What happens to a dream deferred?

      Does it dry up
      like a raisin in the sun?
      Or fester like a sore—
      And then run?
      Does it stink like rotten meat?
      Or crust and sugar over—
      like a syrupy sweet?

      Maybe it just sags
      like a heavy load.

      Or does it explode?

Press Release Mon, 02/14/2022
Second-Grade Teacher Casey Robles spotlights student art on Valentine's Day. Photo by Jillian Daley Happy Valentine's Day!

North Marion students are celebrating the holiday with art, crafting cheery pieces like these hearts, birds, and raccoons from the second-grade classrooms of Teachers Meaghan Kitzmiller and Casey Robles.

Press Release Mon, 02/14/2022
Firefighter Austin Smith Multiple Road Closure Notice For Firefighter Smith Memorial Procession

Here's an important notice from the City of Woodburn: The memorial service for Firefighter Austin Smith is at 1 p.m. Saturday, February 12 at the St. Paul Rodeo grounds, 4174 Malo Ave NE, St Paul.

The service is open to the public, but please note that this will be a full firefighter honor memorial service with a large presence of first responders (and their vehicles) expected to attend.

Press Release Thu, 02/10/2022
From left to right are sixth-graders Alliyah Cha, Ben Boswell, Carlos Vera Martinez, and Mia Avila. Photo by Jillian Daley ‘Creating the Conditions Where Students Can Thrive’

Cherie Stroud, the NMSD’s Director of Teaching and Learning, brought Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) to the School District in 2017.

Press Release Wed, 02/09/2022
High School Principal De Ann Jenness SEL at North Marion High School

By Jillian Daley

North Marion High School is a pioneer when it comes to the School District's Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) program, building on it with fresh ideas to support students.

High School Principal De Ann Jenness brought the School District Sources of Strength, which shows students how to identify their own best abilities and to select caring supporters in order to weather difficulties. Jenness says the program is well thought out, especially the idea of asking students to pinpoint not only an adult whom they can trust and talk to, but a peer. 

Press Release Wed, 02/09/2022
Sixth-graders Antony Pacheco Contreras, left, and Eflisann Heldart learn about philanthropy in Citizenship Class. SEL at North Marion Middle School

By Jillian Daley

North Marion Middle School innovates with initiatives centered around positive mental health and citizenship for students, furthering the School District's Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) program's purpose. How better to learn how to regulate your emotions than to channel them into your own health and into citizenship, which supports the whole community?

Middle School Principal David Sheldon says that RULER and Sources of Strength dovetail with other steps his school is taking, including offering SEL lessons in each student’s Homeroom Class. 

Press Release Wed, 02/09/2022
Intermediate School Principal Cory Gaub SEL at North Marion Intermediate School

By Jillian Daley

You know the saying about going to that happy place in your head when your world feels like it's imploding? If you really do imagine that balmy beach or quiet cabin by the lake, research shows that you actually feel better.

Press Release Wed, 02/09/2022
Primary School Principal Allison Hunt SEL at North Marion Primary School

By Jillian Daley

Calming corners in classrooms are an important fixture at the Primary School, as the building is avidly invested in the School District's Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) program.

Students at the Primary School, icluding grade levels K-2, can take a breather in these calming corners or a break in the Reset Room, a place for students to collect and sort their feelings that is similar to the Zen Den at the Intermediate School. 

Press Release Wed, 02/09/2022
A screenshot of the North Marion School District's academic calendar Share Your Views About the School Calendar

The North Marion School District Calendar Committee is currently working on next year's academic school calendar. (Disponible en español abajo.)

Press Release Wed, 02/09/2022
North Marion Primary School, kindergarten to grade 2 Kindergarten/Preschool Enrollment

It’s time to enroll incoming kindergartners for the 2022-2023 school year. 

Press Release Mon, 02/07/2022
North Marion Primary School Kindergarten/Preschool Enrollment Time!

It’s time to enroll incoming kindergartners for the 2022-2023 school year. 

Press Release Mon, 02/07/2022
Three blue masks and a pen that says North Marion School District. One mask says shop local, stronger together, #thrive, etc. Oregon Will Lift Indoor Mask Requirements No Later Than March 31

(Disponible en español abajo.) Today, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) announced upcoming changes to statewide rules for wearing masks indoors (OAR 333-019-1025: Masking Requirements for Indoor Spaces and OAR 333-019-1015: Masking Requirements in Schools). Some aspects of indoor masking will change as a result of the updated rule, such as not requiring a mask in some situations.

Press Release Mon, 02/07/2022
Primary School Principal Allison Hunt with, from left: Kendall Pinola, Becca Sims, Masha Oliva, Kelvin Gerdes, & Koda Pinola A Heart Hero

The golden-throated Elvis Costello once sang, “Alison, my aim is true.”

Press Release Tue, 02/01/2022
Illustration of diplomas and mortarboards Shape the School District’s Future!

Share your thoughts with us through a survey.

Press Release Mon, 01/31/2022
241 responses, 36.1% yes and 63.9% no Would You Like Another COVID-19 Booster Clinic?

Please take ***this survey*** to share whether you would like a second COVID-19 Booster Clinic.

Press Release Mon, 01/31/2022
North Marion School District logo Get to Know Your North Marion School Board Members

During School Board Recognition Month this January, the North Marion community has been celebrating our community’s leaders, who give hundreds of hours of their time each year.

Press Release Wed, 01/26/2022
Kindergartner Ellie Jo Hansen unleashes a spider’s web of Silly String upon Teacher Emily Miller wile Jones Quintero looks on. A Silly String Extravaganza!

Kindergartner Aleyah Mendoza landed a direct Silly String hit on her teacher Jamie Bohall, with a little help from Bohall, who primed the aerosol pump.

“It was fun spraying Miss Bohall ‘cause it was free, and it was so much fun!” Aleyah says, quietly, but with a sparkle in her eyes.

Press Release Tue, 01/25/2022
Illustration of a Calendar Assessment Calendar

Thank you for supporting your child during this year’s Statewide Assessments. Here is a list of the assessment dates for each building. 

Press Release Tue, 01/25/2022
A red apple with a green leaf sitting on top of a stack of money and books Budget Committee Vacancy: Four Position(s)

The North Marion School District seeks patrons who are interested in an opportunity to serve as a member of the NMSD Budget Committee.

Public Notice Mon, 01/24/2022
From left to right are the team members: Raymond Magana, David Snow, Thomas Bonser, and Kevin Guzman. Robotics: Local Groups Show Their Prowess at Competition!

By Jillian Daley

North Marion High School’s robotics teams aren’t just about racking up the trophy hardware at tournaments.

These students share a love for robo know-how, under the guidance of adviser Sherie Moran, and her teams participate in robotics to gain career skills in coding and building, while enjoying a community of fellow tech enthusiasts. 

“It’s awesome to be around people who have creative ideas that can benefit humanity,” High School senior Raymond Magana says.

Press Release Thu, 01/20/2022
Students/staff who aren't fully vaccinated don't have to quarantine. Unmasked indoor exposures  at school can get test to stay. Guidance Update Includes Changes to Exposure Requirements

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has released new guidance. Effective Friday, January 14, Oregon will no longer consider indoor masked contact in K–12 settings, including school buses, to be an exposure, regardless of social distancing. 

Press Release Thu, 01/20/2022
